Ива Бешева

Ива Бешева

Обучение и изпити

Study Smarts и LOL: Остроумна експедиция в изграждането на убийствени навици за учене за ученици и техните родители!

Welcome, dear readers, to the ultimate guide on building strong study habits – a rollercoaster ride through the wild world of textbooks, highlighters, and coffee-fueled all-nighters. Whether you're a parent...

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Cambridge English - Уебинар за родители (на гръцки език)


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Уебинар: Преглед на ECPE за изпитващите


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Уебинар: Преглед на ECCE за участниците в теста


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Parenting and Educating: The Comedy of Errors

Welcome, fellow parents and educators, to the rollercoaster ride of shaping young minds! Buckle up as we explore the often amusing journey of practicing what we preach because, let's face...

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Do Schools Kill Creativity? – A TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson


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What are the best ways to use language to promote global citizenship?

Promoting global citizenship through language involves fostering understanding, empathy, and cooperation among people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Here are some effective ways to use language for this purpose: 1....

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Title: The Importance of Raising Resilient Teenagers

Adolescence is a transformative period in a person's life. It is a time of growth, self-discovery, and, often, a series of challenges and obstacles. In the face of these challenges,...

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