Ива Бешева

Ива Бешева

Ива Бешева


What does “flair” mean?

Flair - a natural ability to do somethingExample : He has a flair for learning languages.

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price fixing

What does “Price-fixing” mean?

Price-fixing - the usually illegal act of agreeing with business competitors to set prices at a particular level instead of allowing prices to be determined by competition

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ready for exams

What To Expect On Exam Day

This section gives you some tips and advice on what to do during the written and speaking exams day. What to do during the written exams Before the exams start...

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exam stress

Help your child beat exam stress

Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school life for children and young people and their parents or carers. But there are ways to ease the stress. Watch for...

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The Cambridge English Scale


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What does”Permissible” mean?

Permissible - allowed or permitted by law or rules Example: It is not permissible for staff members to smoke.

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