Ива Бешева

Ива Бешева


 Ключовата роля на определянето на правила и граници за децата: Възпитаване на отговорни и самостоятелни личности

Parenthood is a journey filled with joy, love, and the boundless potential for growth. As parents, we strive to create an environment that fosters independence and self-sufficiency in our children....

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Study Smarts и LOL: Остроумна експедиция в изграждането на убийствени навици за учене за ученици и техните родители!

Welcome, dear readers, to the ultimate guide on building strong study habits – a rollercoaster ride through the wild world of textbooks, highlighters, and coffee-fueled all-nighters. Whether you're a parent...

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Cambridge English - Уебинар за родители (на гръцки език)


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Разгръщане на истинския дух на Коледа: Подарък, който не спира да се дава

As the holiday season approaches, our lives become inundated with twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the hustle and bustle of gift shopping. It's easy to get lost in the commercial...

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Уебинар: Преглед на ECPE за изпитващите


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Уебинар: Преглед на ECCE за участниците в теста


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Вълшебната сила на думите: Разпространение на радост през празничния сезон

 As Maya Angelou wisely put it, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." In the...

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Nurturing Little Einstein: A Parent’s Guide to Cultivating a Growth Mindset in Your Child

Hey there, fellow parents and guardians! Have you ever wished you could unlock the secrets to helping your child become the next Einstein or the next big creative genius? Well,...

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